
Treatment Case Study for


Had no medical history, never had enough junk food, nor used harmful products on her hair, but still Gaurav had itchy scalp and white flakes or dandruff. We are talking about a 40-year-old married man of 78 kg body weight and normal BMI of 24.4. He had been suffering from extremely itchy scalp and moderate level of dandruff for a past six to nine months. Even after giving herbal products and anti-dandruff shampoo a try, he couldn’t see satisfactory results. Therefore, he sought for an expert advice from Nirvasa. The professional doctor evaluated his lifestyle habits and medical history but there was not much to worry about. Therefore, the doctor suggested a simple six month hair care treatment plan to eliminate dandruff and improve his hair quality and density. Now he is happy with smooth dandruff-free hair and extremely motivated to take care of his hair.

Treatment Summary

Patient Profile
37, Male, Married
Moderate Dandruff and Scalp Issue
Duration of Treatment
6 Months
Suggestions by Doctor
Anti-dandruff shampoo, 30 min workouts and limit caffiene intake
Self-Assessment Form
Lifestyle Habits
  • Activity Level: Moderately Active
  • Smoking Habits: Non-smoker
  • Alcohol Consumption: Occasionally drinks alcohol
  • Sleep Cycle: 6-7 hours per night
  • Stress Level: Moderate
  • Eating Habits: Balanced diet with occasional indulgence, control portion sizes, limited consumption of sugary beverages
  • Water Intake: 4-6 glasses a day
  • Caffeine Intake: 2-3 caffeinated drinks per day
  • Energy Levels: Occasionally low energy or fatigue
  • Calorie Intake: Maintain a healthy calorie intake
  • Gut Health: No significant issues
Performance Health
  • Moderate dandruff that comes and goes
  • Flaky dandruff with occasional itching
  • No significant hair thinning or texture issues
  • Normal scalp condition
  • Limited usage of hair styling products
  • Shampoo hair three times a week
Doctor Consultation

Seeking for an expert suggestion, Gaurav went with a self-assessment form on Nirvasa website and consulted with a professional doctor. After proper evaluation and analysis of his profile, the doctor prescribed with a simple yet effective hair care treatment plan of six months, wherein, necessary lifestyle and dietary modifications, hair growth boosting supplements, hair serum and anti-dandruff shampoo were included. Gaurav was even advised to lower the stress levels and increase water intake.

Treatment Journey
  • The doctor deeply analysed Gaurav’s profile and self-assessment form on the basis of which he suggested a treatment plan. It included a medicated anti-dandruff shampoo infused with natural ingredients, diet changes and lifestyle modifications.
  • Gaurav followed the treatment with full conviction and in the initial two months, he started seeing positive results. His dandruff’s visibility had decreased and started feeling overall healthier.
  • After four months, Gaurav reported significant improvements in his scalp quality and white flakiness. The regular follow-ups by the wellness coach assigned to him by Nirvasa helped Gaurav maintain his prescribed regiment and support him whenever he needed.
  • In the sixth month of the treatment, Gaurav’s dandruff had completely resolved as he was unable to find even a single white flake after combing his hair. Not only dandruff, but with the help of anti-dandruff shampoo, his scalp and occasional itching also improved.

Patient Feedback

I have gained a valuable understanding of how crucial it is to use specialized anti-dandruff products and incorporate herbal remedies for scalp care. I acknowledge the importance of consistent treatment and adhering to the advice of the doctor. As a result, I now follow a regular hair care routine, utilise the recommended shampoo and herbal products, and experience a healthier scalp with significantly reduced dandruff.