
Treatment Case Study for

Male Fertility

A father of 34 years with a BMI of 24 had been suffering from infertility for the past 9 months to 1 year. He had been a smoker and occasional drinker. During sexual intercourse, he noticed the amount of ejaculated sperm amount and realised that something is not right. After an in-depth assessment by certified doctors, he got diagnosed with infertility. With the free doctor consultation, he got suggested a personalized sexual wellness treatment plan of 9 months to help improve his sperm count and motility. With regular follow-ups and necessary lifestyle changes, he noticed positive changes in his sexual performance and now he is fertile enough to dream about becoming a father again.

Treatment Summary

Patient Profile
34, Male, Married
Male Infertility
Duration of Treatment
9 Months
Suggestions by Doctor
Nutritious diet, regular exercise and lifestyle modifications
Self-Assessment Form
Lifestyle Habits
  • Activity Level: Moderately Active
  • Smoking Habits: Smoker
  • Alcohol Consumption: Occasional social drinking
  • Sleep Cycle: 7-8 hours per night
  • Stress Level: Moderate
  • Water Intake: 4-5 glasses per day
  • Eating Habits: Imbalanced diet with junk food
  • Heat and Radiation Exposure: Minimal exposure from mobile and laptops
Performance Health
  • Noticed changes in the amount of ejaculated sperm
  • Normal erectile function
  • Not completely satisfied with sexual performance
  • Confident but lacks during sexual intercourse
  • Occasionally masturbates once a week approximately
  • Have conceived with the partner
Doctor Consultation
The patient consulted one of the experienced doctors of Nirvasa to address his sexual concerns about sperm count and quality. The doctor examined his condition and assessed his medical history to discover the causes of the issue. He personalized a sexual wellness treatment plan to help improve his infertility. The doctor suggested the patient quit smoking and occasional drinking habit. Apart from this, he even advised the patient to inculcate some positive lifestyle and dietary habits like maintaining a nutritious diet while exercising regularly. The doctor even added to have more amount of water in a day.
Treatment Journey
  • On the basis of an assessment and complete evaluation of the patient’s medical history and lifestyle habits, the doctor prescribed a great combo of fertility supplements, dietary alterations and lifestyle modifications to enhance blood flow and sperm quality.
  • The patient started following the prescribed medication and tried to make efforts to execute lifestyle changes by lowering smoking and drinking frequency and avoiding junk food.
  • After two months of the treatment, the patient reported great improvements in sperm quality and quantity. He even started feeling more energetic during sexual activities.
  • By the sixth month, the patient’s sexual performance had significantly improved as he is experiencing firmer, stronger and more frequent erections. Plus, due to avoiding masturbation, he was able to see a positive improvement in sperm count.
  • Finally, after completing the 9-month treatment plan, the patient’s fertility and overall sexual wellness drastically improved. His chances of achieving pregnancy had improved drastically.
  • Throughout the journey, the patient was motivated and given hope by his personal wellness coach assigned by Nirvasa to monitor progress and make any relevant alterations to the treatment plan.

Patient Feedback

I learned that a doctor consultation and supplements can actually improve one’s fertility along with overall sexual wellness. I was getting scared day by day of my sperm quality and thought that it is non-treatable, but the holistic approach of doctors and wellness coaches of Nirvasa helped me throughout my journey. I was kindly treated and my queries were solved instantly. With all the regained hope and optimism, I have realised that I can be a father again.